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Sinister Kisses SKALS Book 1 edition by Adriana Noir Literature Fiction eBooks

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Download PDF Sinister Kisses SKALS Book 1  edition by Adriana Noir Literature  Fiction eBooks

After a chance encounter in the woods leaves her shaken and reeling, the last thing Taylor McAvay wanted to do was accept an invitation to dinner. Then again, after seeing what Sebastian Baas was capable of, she felt she had little choice. The guy did just save her life, and the feel of his partner’s assault rifle pressed against her cheek still lingered in her mind.

What she discovers surprises her. Beneath the armor and fatigues, is a smart, attentive, and sophisticated man. Unable to resist, Taylor finds herself drawn in by the Special Agent’s charm. Everything about Sebastian, from his imposing presence to his hypnotic eyes, pulls her under his spell. When a drive by shooting leaves her apartment riddled with bullets, she falls under his command as well—not to mention the shadow of a lethal, underground organization known as SKALS.

Her lover has a dark and dangerous side he tries to keep hidden, but when a series of events sends their lives spiraling out of control, she realizes there is much more to him than meets the eye. Whether she wants to leave or not doesn't matter. Taylor soon learns, when it comes to Sebastian and SKALS, there is no escape.
**DISCLAIMER** This is NOT a fluffy romance. Don't expect a hero. This isn't a feel good love story, but the beginning of a journey. It's a dark, gritty thriller with a heavy emphasis on plot. It contains elements of abuse, psychological conditioning, and mental manipulation. There's also gunfire and violence. If any of this offends you, this is not the book for you. Contains sexual content and is intended for adults only.

Sinister Kisses SKALS Book 1 edition by Adriana Noir Literature Fiction eBooks

Taylor McAvay stumbled into a covert operation in the middle of the woods while playing with air guns with her cousin. Sebastian saved her pretty little head or not depending on your outlook on the book. It is not your typical love story for sure and not for the faint of heart or for children to read either.

You may hate Sebastian instead of doing what people normally do and love the lead man. He is full of blind hatred and murder. He kills without remorse. Not only killing the bad guys, but families as well. He is a member of the FBI branch known as the SKALS.

After saving Taylor from being killed by his partner he talks her into going out with him and he stalks her after that to the point of it being freaky. He finally talks her into moving in with him where things really get hairy. He is willing to go to any lengths to keep her safe and with him. Murdering drug dealers that shoot up her apartment. Putting her Uncle and cousin away for setting her up to take the fall for their moonshine operation. He uses conditioning and manipulation to get her to behave a certain way. With his line of work either she does things the way that he says or she could get killed. Not only that, he has a serious temper and it's best just not to rile him.

She knows something is wrong with this situation, but has fallen head over heels in love with him and accepts things as they are. Even when he abuses her she begs for forgiveness. Somehow, in spite of his inner rage at life and himself, he falls in love with her as well. He just has a funny way of showing it. Being married to a dominant and jealous husband at one time, I found this unnerving. I liked the guy because he was battling an internal war between being good and evil I found him to be sexy as well and the love scenes are quite remarkable. He’s definitely the definition of an antihero, and the author did a great job of making him likable regardless of his abusiveness.

I did find that Taylor got a little lost in all of this because he overshadowed her so much. It was really about him with a bit of her mixed in the mix. She has a few moments of fight in her and a spark that causes you to love her, pity her, and pray for her. Usually she just goes along with whatever he says and to heck with her own life. She is like a prisoner in her own home. Not allowed to go out without his knowing where she is going and what she is doing. He also controls her ability to have friends or lack thereof because of him.

I thought about giving this four stars because of the way he was to her, but I can’t do that. She wrote a compelling book here with a likable anti-hero. No matter what happens in the book, she wrote a great story and deserves five stars.

Product details

  • File Size 2695 KB
  • Print Length 243 pages
  • Publication Date March 23, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Sinister Kisses SKALS Book 1  edition by Adriana Noir Literature  Fiction eBooks

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Sinister Kisses SKALS Book 1 edition by Adriana Noir Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Even with the disclaimer added on to the book description, I don't think I was mentally or emotionally prepared for the ride that Sebastion Baas took me on!

Before I get to far into my review, and you begin to think I DID NOT like the book, I will say I give Sinister Kisses 4 stars. Adriana Noir is without a doubt an amazing writer. She brought out feelings (although not always good) in me while I was reading this book, that even surprised me. For a writer to make you feel so many different emotions within the same book, they are definitely doing their job, whether you love or hate the outcome. I would have given 5 stars, but I just couldn't quite figure out if I could live with Sebastian and his "abusive" (for lack of a better word) side.

Sebastian Baas I am all for ALPHA males, I love them in fact, but this guy needs a whole NEW term created to describe him. Sebastian starts out sweet, definitely over protective, but caring, and as the book goes on we enter "Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde" territory. There is no doubt I LOVE how sexy he's described dreamy green eyes, deep dimples, curly hair....who wouldn't be swooning over Mr. McDreamy...but he would HAVE to be sexy as hell, for me to put up with the rest of him, Mr. McCRAZY!! lol I even dig the mysterious aspects of his job in the beginning, it all added to his appeal. However, his alpha tendancies crossed the line SEVERAL times into crazy, psychologically manipulating, abusive, I can't even describe the man that is Sebastian Baas, you have to read and figure him out for yourself. There was a point during the book where Taylor contemplates leaving Sebastian, and at that point in the book I HATED this guy, I mean I almost put the book down and gave up...but it was like one of those "train wreck" situations, you want to turn away, but some sick part of you just has to take another peek at the wreckage. Well of course I kept reading, and that darn Adriana Noir, found a way to make me feel for the a**hole lol...I actually found myself hoping the two of them worked out. I don't want to give tooo much away, for those who have not read Sinister Kisses yet, so please just go BUY THE BOOK, meet Sebastian, and then let me know your thoughts!

Taylor gives true meaning to the phrase "STAND BY YOUR MAN."

Taylor McAvay Young (19 years old). Beautiful (dark hair, gorgeous gray eyes, body most women would covet). EXTREMELY Naive. The chance meeting that brought her and Sebastian face to face, should have sent her running for the hills!! However, she was intrigued by the man who would not take no for an answer that a second meeting was planned, and sealed her fate. As much as I didn't want to like Sebastian, I found myself disappointed in Taylor for not being able to walk away. In the beginning of the book I got the impression that she was this strong independent woman, at 19 she's living on her own, taking care of herself, content with not having a man in her life. She was HAPPY. Give her a week with the enigma that is Sebastian, and she's taking orders, submissive even, no longer voicing her opinions (most of the time out of fear)...yet she LOVES this man that she barely knows, so much, she willing to put up with whatever to be with him.

I just kept screaming at Taylor, "Why are you still there?!?!?!"

I know this review may appear as, "I did't like the book." However, I totally enjoyed it. This has to be the first time I've read a book that I was conflicted, so much so that I started asking myself, "could I do this for the man I love?" I mean, I love my husband, I really really really love my husband, but I don't know if I could live the life Taylor has submitted to, in order to keep my love. There are soo many awesome twists and turns that take place in this book. Sinister Kisses has action, thrills, and it evokes so many emotions made me angry, made me sad, frustrated...the list goes on. This is definitely one of those books you have to experience for yourself, it's hard to take anyone else's viewpoint of it, because I think it's one of those things where you either love it or you hate...and obviously I loved it because I IMMEDIATELY purchased Bound by Vengeance when I finished Sinister the train wreck continues!! lol
Rating 5+ Stars

I do not know how/where I found this series, but I'm so glad I did!!! I'm totally addicted to 'The SKALS' series. This is a raw and edgy story centered around Sebastian (Extremely dominant and controlling Leader of SKALS), Taylor (Extremely submissive and obeying young woman)AND Sebastian's employer 'The SKALS'. Wow, this booked had me up all night trying to finish and get to the next book. 'Sinister Kisses' details the beginning of Sebastian and Taylor's relationship (how they met, dealt with problems, introductions to friends and family, etc.). There was so much character development that I really understood the dynamics of their relationship. While I totally wanted to slap Sebastian sometimes, I finally understood and accepted their relationship. Taylor gave Sebastian what he needed and Sebastian gave Taylor what she needed. The Christmas Eve drama...OMG! Loved it!

This story is not made up of hearts and roses. There are some tough scenes in the book. I loved every page of them. My kind of story! This was not the typical romance. There's so much edge and it was refreshing to read. I love a anti-hero story. I can't wait for the next book.
Taylor McAvay stumbled into a covert operation in the middle of the woods while playing with air guns with her cousin. Sebastian saved her pretty little head or not depending on your outlook on the book. It is not your typical love story for sure and not for the faint of heart or for children to read either.

You may hate Sebastian instead of doing what people normally do and love the lead man. He is full of blind hatred and murder. He kills without remorse. Not only killing the bad guys, but families as well. He is a member of the FBI branch known as the SKALS.

After saving Taylor from being killed by his partner he talks her into going out with him and he stalks her after that to the point of it being freaky. He finally talks her into moving in with him where things really get hairy. He is willing to go to any lengths to keep her safe and with him. Murdering drug dealers that shoot up her apartment. Putting her Uncle and cousin away for setting her up to take the fall for their moonshine operation. He uses conditioning and manipulation to get her to behave a certain way. With his line of work either she does things the way that he says or she could get killed. Not only that, he has a serious temper and it's best just not to rile him.

She knows something is wrong with this situation, but has fallen head over heels in love with him and accepts things as they are. Even when he abuses her she begs for forgiveness. Somehow, in spite of his inner rage at life and himself, he falls in love with her as well. He just has a funny way of showing it. Being married to a dominant and jealous husband at one time, I found this unnerving. I liked the guy because he was battling an internal war between being good and evil I found him to be sexy as well and the love scenes are quite remarkable. He’s definitely the definition of an antihero, and the author did a great job of making him likable regardless of his abusiveness.

I did find that Taylor got a little lost in all of this because he overshadowed her so much. It was really about him with a bit of her mixed in the mix. She has a few moments of fight in her and a spark that causes you to love her, pity her, and pray for her. Usually she just goes along with whatever he says and to heck with her own life. She is like a prisoner in her own home. Not allowed to go out without his knowing where she is going and what she is doing. He also controls her ability to have friends or lack thereof because of him.

I thought about giving this four stars because of the way he was to her, but I can’t do that. She wrote a compelling book here with a likable anti-hero. No matter what happens in the book, she wrote a great story and deserves five stars.
Ebook PDF Sinister Kisses SKALS Book 1  edition by Adriana Noir Literature  Fiction eBooks

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